You may have been wondering how, and if, you can remove those pesky, and sometimes painful, varicose veins. For some individuals, it is a cosmetic reason for wanting these veins removed, while for some there are painful side effects. Indeed, there is a procedure to remove these forms of veins.

A microphlebectomy is a common outpatient procedure for varicose veins by removing them through small incisions in the skin. The instrument used for this procedure is a small scalpel or needle and a phlebectomy hook to remove the varicose vein.

What is a Varicose Vein?

The team at Mayo Clinic describes a varicose vein as an engorged vein closer to the surface of the skin that may have an enlarged appearance. These veins can range in color from the color of your skin to a dark purple. Varicose veins typically exist on the lower part of the body, mainly legs.

Why and How Does a Varicose Vein Develop?

There are a few ways someone can develop varicose veins in their lifetime. These veins can develop due to:

  • Family history
  • Hormonal changes, such as pregnancy or menopause
  • Obesity
  • Age (can occur at any age, but higher chance after age 50)

Are There Any Side Effects or Complications of Having Varicose Veins?

Unfortunately, varicose veins can be more than a cosmetic issue: they can have serious complications. Varicose veins can lead to blood clots such as superficial thrombophlebitis and life-threatening Pulmonary embolism. Left untreated, these forms of veins can also cause ulcers, and, in severe cases, Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI). Other side effects of varicose veins can lead to a painful sensation and/or swelling of the veins.

When Should I Talk to My Doctor?

It is important to share with your provider if you begin to experience any swelling, discomfort, or a warm sensation with a varicose vein, or if you have a family history of complications from a varicose vein(s). From here, your provider will be able to share with you what a treatment plan could look like.

What Is a Microphlebectomy?

One of the more common treatment plans is to remove the varicose vein completely through an outpatient procedure known as a microphlebectomy.

Whether you have an upcoming procedure, or are curious to learn more about this form of vein removal, here are 5 essential things you should know about a microphlebectomy.

  1. A Microphlebectomy is an Outpatient Procedure: This means the procedure is done in one day, in office, with the ability to recover completely at home. With an outpatient procedure, you spend less time in a surgery room or clinic, and more time in the comfort of your own home to rest and recover.
    A rough estimate of your time in an office or clinic for this procedure can be anywhere from 45 minutes to two hours. However, this time estimate varies depending on the patient’s case.
    Since a microphlebectomy is an outpatient procedure, local anesthesia is provided to the patient during the treatment.
  2. Little to No Pain During Procedure: Because doctors will provide patients with local anesthesia, the patient should feel no pain during the removal process of the vein. A patient may only feel pressure of the removal, and some may feel the small piercing of the local anesthesia being provided. And at Vein Solutions, your level of comfort is our top priority as we take each patient’s concern for comfort in any procedure seriously.
  3. The Basic Timeline of an In-Office Microphlebectomy Procedure: After the patient is cleared for the procedure and local anesthesia is provided, the doctor will locate the varicose vein and create a few small incisions to extract the varicose veins. Then a dermal adhesive—or sometimes stitches, depending on the size—is applied to the incision. Traditionally this is all completed within one hour.
  4. What to Expect After a Microphlebectomy Procedure: After the in office procedure, the patient will be able to complete their short recovery time from home. Patients will need to keep their bandages on or wear compression socks to avoid any complications in the first few weeks. Your doctor will also advise against any strenuous activities for the first 14 days following the procedure. Walking is also recommended as this encourages healing from the incision(s).
    Your doctor will be able to provide you more specific recovery details based on your procedure and condition. Ultimately, the recovery process of a microphlebectomy procedure is fast and easy for a majority of patients with little to no pain post procedure.
  5. The Particular Vein Removed Will Not Return: In some removal procedures, there can be a chance for the removed piece to return or come back. This is not the case with a microphlebectomy. Once a particular varicose vein is removed, patients can rest assured it will not return. However, this does not mean that other varicose veins in different areas of the lower body may form.
    And yes, a varicose vein can be removed without any harm to you, as the blood in these veins will reorient themselves to other veins!

Other Common Questions About a Microphlebectomy Procedure:

Is There an Age Restriction on When a Patient Can Get This Procedure?

While there is not a set age limit on this procedure, it is important to share with your doctor any details of complications you may be experiencing from your varicose vein. You will want to ensure you are seeing a skilled, knowledgeable, and credible doctor who can map out an appropriate treatment plan based on your age, history, and current varicose vein condition.
Any of our providers at Vein Solutions Flint would be glad to discuss a treatment plan, and potential procedure if needed.

Are There Any Complications From a Microphlebectomy?

With any procedure there are possible risks, but the chances of having complications with a microphlebectomy procedure are relatively low. Yet, some patients may experience side effects such as swelling or bruising at the incision site.
Some other patients may experience an allergic reaction, feeling of numbness, or infection. Still, many of these side effects are rare. Your doctor will be able to evaluate, and ensure, if you are an appropriate candidate for this procedure based on your medical history.

How Much is a Microphlebectomy?

Many insurance providers will cover this procedure, but you will want to connect with your insurance company for a complete understanding and review. Without insurance a microphlebectomy can range from $400 and $2,000. It is important to know that the cost for this procedure, without insurance, is dependent on a variety of factors such as location, severity of the veins, and clinic. To get a quote, with or without insurance, from the team at Vein Solution, schedule your appointment today.

Microphlebectomy at Vein Solutions Flint

Overall, a microphlebectomy is a common outpatient procedure for varicose veins. This form of procedure provides patients the ability to recover fully from home, confident that a Vein Solutions doctor met each of their levels of comfort, while alleviating any varicose vein complications.
Interested in learning more about what your treatment plan can look like? Contact us online at Vein Solutions to connect with one of our skilled Medical Doctors. From here we can schedule an in-person appointment for evaluation of your concerns and to answer any additional questions you may have. Our team at Vein Solutions Flint would be honored to walk alongside you in your varicose vein treatment journey.

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