Free Vein Screening
We believe our commitment to providing free screening evaluations immeasurably helps our patients in their decision-making process. Prior to any monetary commitment – our physicians conduct a free venous screening evaluation to assess the extent of the symptoms and the potential severity of any underlying problem. Armed with the information, they can educate each patient about a treatment plan, estimated cost and the expected outcome.
During this appointment you will meet with our board certified vascular surgeon, who will listen to any symptoms you may be experiencing, as well as do a quick exam of the areas that concern you. After the exam, they will provide you with their recommendations. If the doctor believes that what you are experiencing is a medical problem, then it is likely they will recommend that you schedule a venous duplex and consultation. The venous duplex (ultrasound) will rule out or diagnose a vein problem and during the consultation our doctor will thoroughly review the results with you and provide treatment options if necessary.
When Do I Need a Venous Duplex Ultrasound?
It is important to understand that the venous duplex (ultrasound) would only be recommended if you have the appropriate indications (symptoms). The presence of these indications allows the testing and consult to be billed to your insurance. You would be responsible for any co-pay or deductible associated with the ultrasound and consult.
If during the free screening your vein specialist feels your concerns are cosmetic, they will provide you with a treatment plan and quote free of charge.
Why Do I Have Varicose Veins?
Standing and sitting cause the varicose veins to bulge from gravity pulling blood into these veins and the pressure from this causes pain, discomfort and varicose veins.